stumppfilm makes films:
Documentaries, feature films, tv programmes, social media items and news. Research, production and translation.
In English, German and French. In Germany and throughout Europe. And with a great network of experienced freelancers.
TV channels: ARD, WDR, ZDF, arte, BBC, ITV, Al Jazeera English and more.
Further clients are amongst others: ZDF Digital, Forsythe Productions, Sad ORIGAMI, Gagosian Gallery, Stoked Film, Joblinge, Evangelische Akademie, Jewish Museum of Frankfurt, Künstlerhaus Mousonturm, Luna Park 64.
Ulrike Stumpp
Roederbergweg 259
60385 Frankfurt
+49 175 9280 636
Project Producer / Workshop-Teamer, summer 2024: In recent years, it has become increasingly clear that democracy cannot be taken for granted. This development makes it increasingly necessary to engage with democratic values. This is where the LIBERTA project comes in and aims to encourage immigrant, German and refugee young women to express themselves and raise their voices by making their own videos. The participants work together as equals in film teams, receive introductions to practical film work with the camera, storytelling and editing and realise their views on the topic of freedom and democracy with their own videos.
A five-day workshop with experienced filmmakers, media educators and teamers in Frankfurt am Main.
June 2024: See video: Mapping Memories - All Together Now
‘Mapping Memories - All together NOW’. After four years of METAhub, the Jewish Museum, the Archaeological Museum and the Künstler*innenhaus Mousonturm are inviting visitors to discuss their research findings and artistic positions in a final festival - with the aim of making traces of Jewish life tangible.
Like here in the ‘Golden Apple’, an originally preserved vaulted cellar and the only remnant of Frankfurt's Judengasse, which is open to the public until the end of 2025. An exhibition presents project results, such as the reconstruction of the old Judengasse as a virtual reality installation.
In the Digital Lab, artists will present digital mediation formats and discuss how these can enrich remembrance.
Guided city walks will show the real traces of Jewish life, most of which have been built over.
Panel discussions will focus on forms of remembrance of Jewish history and the role of Frankfurt in the works of Jewish artists.
For the invited artists, being Jewish is part of the programme.
The festive finale is the Purim party. With costumes and dancing, the world is turned upside down on the last evening - in keeping with Jewish tradition.
Editor / Producer, March 2024: In this piece, renowned choreographer William Forsythe collaborates with Rauf ‘Rubberlegz’ Yasit, Lex Ishimoto, Riley Watts, Brigel Gjoka, and the JA Collective (Aidan Carberry & Jordan Johnson).
The piece "Friends of Forsythe" explores the roots of folk dance, hip hop and ballet and shows the different dance backgrounds and languages of the dancers through their physical communication on stage.
See video: Friends of Forsythe
Editor, camera, October 2023: Why did the IGS Kalbach-Riedberg comprehensive school change its name into Josephine Baker Comprehensive School? This video will explain it to you.
Editor, September 2023: Watch videos: METAhub Judengasse Extended Video; METAhub Künstlerische Interventionen Video ; METAhub Ausstellungen Video ; METAhub digital Video; METAhub Erinnerungsorte Video; Mapping Memories - Interventionen im Stadtraum: Podiumsdiskussion Video
Editor, August 2023: In this video for Joblinge, Dorothee Leutz tells her encouraging journey on the labour market. She started as a nurse and later caught up on her A-levels. With enthusiasm for her work, she switched to migration counselling and youth work. Dorothee talks about life changes and how she combined different fields of work to finally end up in care counselling. Her experiences and positive attitude are a great inspiration. Watch videos: PROFESSIONAL REORIENTATION | From the middle school to the Dream Job, SUCCESSFUL VOCATIONAL TRAINING | Experiences and tips, GIVING A SMILE - dream job in the social sector; CRISES AS A CHANCE | How to deal with setbacks; FROM CRISIS TO FULFILLMENT | Finding happiness at work
Editor, July 2023: Arriving in Germany from Serbia to take a job as a pediatric nurse, Zoran talks about the initial difficulties and how he found his way despite all problems. He never gave up and fought for his dreams. Watch the video now and learn more about Zoran's journey into the German job market. Watch the video: NEW BEGINNING IN GERMANY | Way into the German job market
In the second part of our interview series with Zoran, you will discover how specific resolutions and desires have helped him achieve his goals in the working world. Zoran believes that fixing and focusing on his goals are critical to moving forward professionally. Watch the video: SETTING GOALS | Using resolutions to succeed in the working world.
Confronted with a new country, Zoran had to learn to leave certain clichés aside. Through acceptance and open exchange, he has grown in the care sector. At the same time, he discovers how important further development and willingness to learn is for professional success. Watch the video: OVERCOMING PREFERENCES | With Openness to Success
JOBLINGE, PLAN A and basecamp. We get you into training, accompany you to successful completion and support you beyond that! At PLAN A, we get you excited about training. Whether you're a chef, a top manager or an artist - the PLAN A video messages offer insights into the - sometimes odd - professional lives of other people. No polished resumes, but authentic stories about failure, new beginnings and upheavals. Biographies that activate and encourage! At JOBLINGE, you'll meet experts on all aspects of career guidance and placement in training. Whether it's a resume, an application, or a job interview: we'll support you! At basecamp, you will find helpful tips and interesting workshops during your training. Here you can meet other trainees and exchange ideas. Or get further qualifications: whether in project management, programming or time management. We are there to support you during your training.
/ ausbildungsheroes JOBLINGE: PLAN A: basecamp: Instagram: LinkedIn:
Film & Social Media
Project producer, workshop teamer, May/June/October 2023: The Imagine educational project is aimed at German, immigrant and refugee girls and young women. On the basis of dialogue and exchange, the promotion of imagination, and the production of films and videos, participants are given the opportunity to draft their future expectations, desires, and perspectives in a five-day workshops. With the help of media pedagogues, they learn how to create videos that bring their ideas to life in film.
Imagine is a project of Filmhaus Frankfurt e.V. Supported by the Hessian state program WIR and the Women's Department of the City of Frankfurt am Main. Under the patronage of Kai Klose (Hessian Minister for Social Affairs and Integration) and Rosemarie Heilig (Head of the Department for Climate, Environment and Women, Frankfurt am Main).
Editor, June 2023: At the age of seventeen, Zeinab fled to Germany with her family. At that time, she did not know a word of German. She set about learning the language and eventually completed her Abitur at a comprehensive school. You can find out what Zeinab found particularly difficult in Germany and how she was able to follow her path so successfully in the videos: : Arriving in Germany; Graduation at 21; Inspired by an influencer
Joblinge Channel: / ausbildungsheroes JOBLINGE: PLAN A: basecamp: Instagram: LinkedIn:
Editor: April 2023: The Syrian war separates Maria from her family. The hope for safety and a better life drives the young woman to Germany. Leaving her family behind breaks her heart, but countless challenges also await her in Germany. Here, Maria talks about her very personal experiences and how she came to her dream apprenticeship as a real estate agent. Watch the videos: FLEEING THE SYRIAN WAR, FINDING HER DREAM APPRENTICESHIP, SUPPORT LEADS TO SUCCES
JOBLINGE: PLAN A: basecamp: Instagram: LinkedIn:
Editor, Mars 2023: Abdulrahman fled to Germany about 7 years ago. Although his school-leaving certificate was not recognized in Germany, he keeps the faith. Because he dreams of becoming an anesthetic assistant in order to help people. He attended night school and wrote countless applications. Nevertheless, he initially receives only rejections. But Abdulrahman never gave up. Find out how he found his dream job after all with the help of JOBLINGEin the videos: Fight for your dream job; Don't let it get you down;
Editor, January 2023: On Feb. 24, 2022, Oksanas' previous life is destroyed: Russian troops invade here homeland, Ukraine. For days, the young woman struggles in Ukraine - not wanting to leave her home behind. But the war worsens and so she flees to Germany on March 2022. In this video, Oksana talks about her experiences. For "Joblinge": Plan A Jetzt. Watch videos: Escape from Ukraine; New beginning in Germany - career of a Ukrainian woman, Engagement and Support: how to reach your professional goals.
November 2022: Jury member of the 34. visionale, which took place from 25.-27. of November at Gallustheater, Frankfurt. An inspiring, entertaining and jam-packed weekend full of great films and promising young talent.
Editor: November 2022: At the age of 13, Rawa Amin fled from war-torn Iraq to Germany. Then, as a teenager, he had to build a completely new life. What is it like to arrive in an unknown country, not speaking a word of German and not knowing anyone? In this video, Rawa Amin talks about his refugee experience and his first months in Germany. For Joblinge.
See videos: Flight and arrival in Germany; Taking on the challenges to meet your goals; Founding a startup: Don't give up despite setbacks; What do I want to become? Search for the right path in life.
Producer: 2022: For Sad Origami
Media pedagogical support, organisation, coordination: May-September 2022. The project "IMAGINE - Intercultural Future Workshop for Young Women" is an educational project for immigrant and refugee girls and young women, including girls and young women with German decent. The content of the project focuses on the participants' own ideas about the future: On the basis of dialog and exchange, the encouragement of imagination, the expansion of media competence and by means of the production of films, videos and images, they were given the opportunity to develop their expectations, wishes and perspectives for the future.
IMAGINE is run by Filmhauses Frankfurt and sponsored by Hessischen Landesprogramm WIR of the Ministry of Social Affairs.
Editor: August 2022: Mo had a rough life when he was a teenager. Now he has taken control of his life and is on his way to becoming a teacher. For Joblinge
See videos: Am Tiefpunkt neu anfangen + Über Umwege zum Ziel + Weichen Stellen für den Traumberuf + Vorbilder finden
See video: METAhub - Die Webseite
Editor: July 2022: Ahmet fled Iraq. He had to start from scratch in a foreign culture, without his family, without language skills. Now he is doing an apprenticeship at the TU Darmstadt. For Joblinge. See videos: Aus dem Irak nach Deutschland geflüchtet + Nach 6 Jahren zurück auf die Schulbank + Ausbildung als Sprungbrett für die Laufbahn
Editor: June 2022: Interview shoot with Sophie about her professional career. She only got to her apprenticeship via detours - not her dream job at first, but team and working atmosphere are more important to her. For Joblinge.
See videos: Am Tiefpunkt Hoffnung finden + Ausbildung als neue Motivation + Das Umfeld neu sortieren
Author: March 2022: METAhub Frankfurt is an interdisciplinary cooperation project of the Jewish Museum Frankfurt, the Archaeological Museum and the Künstlerhaus Mousonturm, in cooperation with the NODE Forum for the Promotion of Digital Culture. In the project, we make cultural assets experienceable in a digital and performative way with reference to urban space. In the video, Mirjam Wenzel, director of the Jewish Museum Frankfurt tells us more about it.
See video: Metahub Frankfurt Projektvorstellung
Author: November 2021: METAhub Frankfurt locates cultural assets in digital space and makes them digitally experienceable. The project is based on a new form of collaboration between museum curators, documentarians, and dramaturgs with media artists. METAhub Frankfurt is a project by the Jewish Museum Frankfurt, the Frankfurt Archeological Museum and Künstlerhaus Mousonturm, in cooperation with NODE. All information is available on
See trailer: METAhub Mapping memories.
Media teacher: October 2021: Imagine is an educational project aimed at German, immigrant and refugee girls and young women. Based on dialogue and exchange, the stimulation of imagination and the production of films and videos, the participants are given the opportunity to draft their future expectations, wishes and perspectives in abfive-day workshop. With media pedagogical support, they learn to create videos and how to bring their ideas for the future into a visual form.
Author: September 2021: Even board member of Morgan Stanley, Dr. Hanns Christoph Siebold, had to work hard for his career. Watch video: Education is key I and watch video: education is key II. He is also giving out useful hints on how to find one's dream job. Morgan Stanley gibt Insidertipps für Jobsuche und Bewerbung. Watch video: hints for job seekers. For Plan A by Joblinge.
Producer: September 2021: How will migration and refugee policies change after the elections - when chancellor Angela Merkel is not in office any more? With Paris correspondent Hafedh Mribah for the international News channel Aljazeera. Watch video.
Producer: September 2021: Just before the elections, Fridays for Future movement mobilised up to 60.000 people according to the organisers. Founder, Swedish Greta Thunberg also held a speech in front of the Reichstag, German parliament. With Paris correspondent Hafedh Mribah for the international news channel Al Jazeera. Watch here.
Author: August 2021: Gamzegül Öcan no longer believed that she would find a traineeship as a paralegal because she wears a hijab. Fortunately, she didn't let herself to be discouraged and found a law firm that suited her. Watch Video: Never give up. There, her cultural background is actually an advantage. Watch the video: Bringing in your own culture. For Plan A by Joblinge.
Editor: May 2021: For the Joblinge, video podcaster Basti Red talks about what it was like for him to be disoriented and without a plan, and how he managed to pick himself up again and pursue the coolest of jobs in the world. Video: Self-motivation after defeats. One thing was always clear to him: you are not getting any where without a propper professional education. Even if you end up doing something completely different. Always stay open to new developments! Video: education as a basis.
Redakteurin: Mai 2021: Parham Omidi erzählt im Interview für die Joblinge wie er mit seinem abgeschlossenen Kernphysik-Studium keinen Job und dann zu seinem Traumberuf, Physiklehrer, gefunden hat. Aus Rückschlägen lernen Video. Und warum es so wichtig ist herauszufinden, was einem wirklich liegt. Ausbildung als Fundament Video.
Author: May 2021: In a video for the Joblinge, Indat talks about what it's like to train in care and be a young mother at the same time. Video Indat . You can also find out how Indat has continued to pursue her career despite setbacks and why she sees the nursing profession as the golden key to the future. Video Indat golden key in the greatest crisis.
Producer for StokedFilm: May 2021: Zdf neo releases today the Belgian mini-series THE BANK HACKER, a thriller, filmed in autumn 2018. The Bank Hacker is partly set in Frankfurt: Because of his brilliant hacking skills, student Jeremy gets roped in by a fraud ring. He is to carry out a cyber attack on a bank and steal hundreds of millions of Euros.
Production house: De Mensen, actors:
Author: May 2021: Clarissa explains for Plan A in 2 videos, how she manages apprenticeship and being a single mother and how she found her dream job by accepting professional advice.
Author/director/camera: April 2021: Eliana is an activist with Black Power Frankfurt. In a social media piece for Evangelische Akademie, she talks about her political work. The violent death of George Floyd and the aftermath of the global #Blacklivesmatter protests have sparked a new racism debate. The Evangelische Akademie Frankfurt asked five young people from the #BlackLivesMatter movement in the Rhine-Main area about their experiences. In short video clips, they talk about their lives and their activism. The videos stand on their own. However, they can also be used in educational work with young people from the eighth grade upwards. The brochure, which was produced as part of the project Alles Glaubenssache? is now available for download free of charge. It contains background information on the topic of anti-black racism and lesson plans for using the videos. Contact: Annette Lorenz. Video #BlackLivesMatter Eliana.
Author/director/camera: April 2021: Christelle is a political scientist and sociologist living in Offenbach. She is a member of the advisory board of the Initiative Schwarzer Menschen, Initiative of Black People, (ISD) and is involved in the BlackLivesMatter movement. The violent death of George Floyd and the consequences of the worldwide #Blacklivesmatter protests have sparked a new racism debate. The Evangelische Akademie Frankfurt asked five young people from the #BlackLivesMatter movement in the Rhine-Main area about their experiences. In short video clips, they talk about their lives and their activism. The videos stand on their own. However, they can also be used in educational work with young people from the eighth grade upwards. The brochure, which was produced as part of the project Alles Glaubenssache? is now available for download free of charge. It contains background information on the topic of anti-black racism and lesson plans for using the videos. Contact: Annette Lorenz. Video #BlackLivesMatter Christelle.
Author/director/camera: April 2021: Alena, 17 years old student and activist for Fridays for Future from Frankfurt. She speaks about her commitment to the BlackLivesMatter movement. The violent death of George Floyd and the consequences of the worldwide #Blacklivesmatter protests have sparked a new racism debate. The Evangelische Akademie Frankfurt asked five young people from the #BlackLivesMatter movement in the Rhine-Main area about their experiences. In short video clips, they talk about their lives and their activism. The videos stand on their own. However, they can also be used in educational work with young people from the eighth grade upwards. The brochure, which was produced as part of the project Alles Glaubenssache? is now available for download free of charge. It contains background information on the topic of anti-black racism and lesson plans for using the videos. Contact: Annette Lorenz. Video #BlackLivesMatter Alena.
Author/director/camera: April 2021: Ousman is a hip-hop dancer and choreographer. He is also engaged in the BlackLivesMatter movement. The violent death of George Floyd and the consequences of the worldwide #Blacklivesmatter protests have sparked a new racism debate. The Evangelische Akademie Frankfurt asked five young people from the #BlackLivesMatter movement in the Rhine-Main area about their experiences. In short video clips, they talk about their lives and their activism. The videos stand on their own. However, they can also be used in educational work with young people from the eighth grade upwards. The brochure, which was produced as part of the project Alles Glaubenssache? is now available for download free of charge. It contains background information on the topic of anti-black racism and lesson plans for using the videos. Contact: Annette Lorenz. watch video #BlackLivesMatter Ousman.
Author/director/camera: April 2021: Beron, 19 years old and a student in Frankfurt, is involved with Youth Against Racism. She talks about her activities for the BlackLivesMatter movement. The violent death of George Floyd and the consequences of the worldwide #Blacklivesmatter protests have sparked a new racism debate. The Evangelische Akademie Frankfurt asked five young people from the #BlackLivesMatter movement in the Rhine-Main area about their experiences. In short video clips, they talk about their lives and their activism. The videos stand on their own. However, they can also be used in educational work with young people from the eighth grade upwards. The brochure, which was produced as part of the project Alles Glaubenssache? is now available for download free of charge. It contains background information on the topic of anti-black racism and lesson plans for using the videos. Contact: Annette Lorenz. watch video #BlackLivesMatter Beron.
Author: April 2021: inspiring videos for young adults who are seeking professional orientation with PLAN A . Christian Meister, Freelance Brand Communications Expert, is sharing his experiences on how to turn panic into motivation and how to learn from personal blowbacks.
Author/Camera: March 2021: Video tutorial for Forsythe Productions.
Camera: March 2021: For the digitalen Salon Slalom Special Annemarie Deser und Jan Holzer are dancing tango. The demonstrate, that with tango and ethical economy, it is all about balance.
Author: February 2021: Five interviews with five people about their respective personal careers, ups and downs on their path of finding their profession and vocation. The videos are intended to help young people who are looking for motivation and orientation to find their inspiration and ideally an entrance into a professional formation. The Plan A project is commissioned by Joblinge in order to fight against juvenile unemployment.
Camera: January 2021: Live stream camera work for the digital Salon Slalom Special: Jazz improvisation with Jean-Philippe Lacour on drums and Savas Bayrak on saxophone.
Author/Director: December 2020: Open Minds video trailer
Open Minds - Channel for Young Refugees - is a project of the Filmhaus Frankfurt in cooperation with the media and creative industries Frankfurt / Rhine-Main. Supported by the Hessian State Program WIR.
Producer: November 2020: News shoot for ITV News about Pfizer/Biontec's first Corona vaccine and its complicated transport logistics.
Camera: October 2020: Filming of the reading of his new book "Cleanland" by Martin Schäuble. "Cleanland" is a novel for a young audience about a society that has turned into a health dictatorship after a pandemic. The reading in front of a reduced public was commissioned by S. Fischer Verlag and took place at Gallus Theater in Frankfurt. It was part of this year's digital Frankfurt book fair.
Coordination / teaching of a workshop: September 2020. Under corona virus regulations. Teaching of the Open Minds Film Workshop: Young women from different backgrounds and origins learn together how to make films and social media items. They have the opportunity to tell their stories and at the same time take an insight into filmmaking.
Open Minds - Channel for Young Refugees - is a project of the Filmhaus Frankfurt in cooperation with the media and creative industries Frankfurt / Rhine-Main. Supported by the Hessian State Program WIR.
Camerawork: June 2020: This year's short film festival "Shorts at Moonlight" will take place from July 15th to August 31st - entirely online due to the corona virus pandemic. Shooting of the introductions by Dominik Rinkart together with my colleague Stefan Knauer.
Coordination / teaching of a workshop: March 2020. Teaching of the Open Minds Film Workshop: Young women from different backgrounds and origins learn together how to make films. They have the opportunity to tell their stories and at the same time take an insight into filmmaking. Here, we visited the animation studio Trickfilmland.
Open Minds - Channel for Young Refugees - is a project of the Filmhaus Frankfurt in cooperation with the media and creative industries Frankfurt / Rhine-Main. Supported by the Hessian State Program WIR.
Translator/author: January 2020. For ZDF info.
Author/director: December 2019. Yannick and Oliver are running successfully a YouTube Channel on fairfashion, minimalsim and sustainability called rethinknation. In a YouTube cooking challenge, they are confronting each other for ZDF plan b, a TV program practicing constructive journalism. The challenge is to cook their favourite spaghetti bolognese in the utmost CO2 neutral manner. They are accompanied and judged by an expert on food carbon footprint and by gourmet chef Christopher Crell. See the film: Die Koch-Challenge
Author/director: December 2019. Yannick and Oliver are successfully running a YouTube channel on fairfashion, minimalism and sustainability: rethinknation. For ZDF plan b they have to compete against each other in a YouTube Upcycling Challenge. They have to transform their old clothes into a new, cool garment. Sita, an experienced tailor from Mainz is helping them. See the film: Die Upcycling-Challenge.
Journalist/Researcher: December 2019: for THE NEW YORKER reporter and writer Ed Caesar from Manchester. Research and interviews in Koblenz, Frankfurt and Traben-Trarbach where in September 2019 a dark web bunker was raided and the servers taken down by German police.
Author/director: December 2019. For ZDF plan b.
Coordinations / Workshops: From October 2019: Making social media films, learning from professionals and looking behind the scenes - girls and young women (refugees, migrants, grown up here) can learn all this in the Open Minds workshops, which we will hold again as from the beginning of 2020. A project of the Filmhaus Frankfurt and the creative industry Frankfurt / Rhein-Main. Supported by the Hessian state programme WIR. Open Minds Channel
Author/director: Berlin, October 2019: Influencer Gina speaks about her mental health problems in order to motivate others to carry on in times of depression and despair. Social media item for ZDF 37 Grad. Production company: ZDF Digital. Link to the report: "Ich war schon immer schwermütig"
Camera: Frankfurt, October 2019: The joblings, young people who have decided to do an apprenticeship, meet their tandem partners: people who are professionally established and would like to pass on their experiences to the younger generation. Together, they learn the basics of programming from IBM employees.
Author/director: Frankfurt, September 2019: Kevin Silvergieter and his husband regularly post on their blog about the joys and sorrows of a rainbow family consisting of 2 fathers and 2 foster children. Social media item for the online platforms of ZDF 37 Grad. Production company: ZDF Digital. Report: "Vater sein ist das Bewegendste"
Author/director: Hanover, September 2019: 25-year-old Laura Mitulla represents a minimalist and sustainable lifestyle and posts about it on Instagram. We've filmed her for an item on the online platforms of ZDF 37 Grad. Production company: ZDF Digital. Social media item: "Man kann auch mit weniger glücklich sein"
Producer: Frankfurt/Main, September 2019: The IAA, the international Frankfurt Motor Show in Frankfurt has always been caught in the crossfire of criticism. A show of the most expensive and wasteful cars, but also of innovative mobility concepts. This year, protests were also an important aspect. Producing for CGTN's correspondent Guy Henderson.
Producer: Ingolstadt, September 2019: For the international news broadcaster CGTN, we were shooting at the German-Chinese Automobile Congress in Ingolstadt on the issue of cooperations between German and Chinese companies. Correspondent: Guy Henderson.
Author/director: Münster, August 2019: Mathias Mester is a Paralympic javelin thrower. With a lot of humor, he is working on the integration of people with handicaps on his Instagram site: Social media item for the online platforms of ZDF 37 Grad. Production company: ZDF Digital. Social media item about Mathias Mester: Ich will's den Leuten zeigen!
Author/director: Hamburg, August 2019: Not to bow to the pressure of the common ideal of slimness is the vocation of Body Positivity activist and feminist Melody Michelberger. She posts her thoughts and photos of herself on the social media and thus wants to change common viewing habits. Social Media item for the online platforms of ZDF 37 Grad. Production company: ZDF Digital. Film: Jeder Körper ist ein guter Körper
Autor/director : August 2019: Freelance work for the online/crossmedia platforms of the renown tv program ZDF 37Grad for ZDF Digital Medienproduktion, supporting the team during the 25th anniversary festivity projects of the show. Facebook Instagram
Producer: December 2018: Now in her 9th year, film director Annette Ernst is shooting the long-term documentary "Nicht von schlechten Eltern" (Production company: Stoked Film). We accompanied with the camera a family from Frankfurt consisting of 2 mothers and 3 sons yet again for several days this year.
Directing / Camera: November 2018: Documentation of the robot art installation "Beppo" by Sven Thöne at the Heinz Nixdorf Forum, technology museum of Paderborn. Interview with Sven Thöne on the installation produced by HNF.
Project coordination / workshop: October and November 2018: The integrative educational project "OPEN MINDS - Channel for Young Refugees" will take place again this year. We organise and conduct film workshops for girls and young women (refugees, immigrants and those who grew up in Germany) and then publish the films on our Open Minds Youtube channel. Open Minds is a project of the Filmhaus Frankfurt in cooperation with the media and creative industry Frankfurt / Rhein-Main. Supported by the Hessian state program WIR.
Producer: May to November 2018: Producer for Stoked Film for the Frankfurt shoot of the 8-part Belgian series: THE BANK HACKER. Produced by Belgian production company De Mensen for Medialaan and streaming platforms.
Producer : September 2018: In the run-up to the Informal EU-Summit in Salzburg: producing of news packages on Brexit and migration, the 2 topics that should significantly determine the Informal EU-Summit. For Aljazeera English with correspondent Laurence Lee from London. Lives from Salzburg on 20 + 21 September and a news report on the summit.
Producer: August 2018: Research and coordination for CGTN at Gamescom in Cologne for Germany correspondent Guy Henderson. News report on the dangers of video game and internet addiction.
Producer: June 2018: Berlin experiences a real plague of the red swamp lobster. Producing of a news report "Eating away an Invasion" for the German correspondent Guy Henderson for CGTN.
Producer: May 2018: Karl Marx, one of the most proliphic German philosophers and thinkers, was born exactly 200 years ago this day in Trier. With the "Capital" and the "Communist Manifesto" he provided the theoretical basis for the Soviet Union and also for the GDR. These regimes have failed, but the financial crisis and the unleashed capitalism of our time has made his theories topical again. News item for CGTN with correspondent Guy Henderson in Berlin.
Producer: May 2018: Israel celebrates its 70th anniversary since its founding in 1948. A cause for joy in Berlin, where Jewish life has meanwhile been re-established. Nevertheless, there are anti-Semitic attacks by also by Muslims on Jews in Germany. Teaching Muslims that anti-Semitism is not an option in Germany and dialogue of the two religious groups contribute to reducing prejudice. Sawsan Chebli, German citizen with Palestinian roots and State Secretary for Citizenship and International Affairs, opposes anti-Semitism. News report for CGTN with Germany correspondent Guy Henderson in Berlin.
Author / director : April 2018: Documentation about the 2nd celebration of naturalization in the Hessian State Parliament in Wiesbaden on behalf of the Ministry of Social Affairs and Integration. Anyone who has been living in Germany for a long time and sees their future here as well should become a German citizen and be part of our democratic society with all their rights and obligations. Kai Klose, State Secretary and Commissioner for Integration and Anti-Discrimination, welcomed the new Germans to the "Naturalization Ceremony 2018". Production: Stoked Film
Producer / Camera : March 2018: Filming of the "Classic Lounge" at the Capitol Theater for the Sport- und Kulturamt, Offenbach. Ralph Ziegler eloquently presented the program, an entertaining combination of classical music and sports.
Producer : February 2018: After extensive talks, the CDU / CSU (conservatives) and SPD (social democrats) have finally signed a collision agreement. But how do the SPD members feel about it? The Jusos (young labour) have already announced a NoGroko campaign to prevent a continuation of government policy. Reportage for CGTN with Berlin correspondent Guy Henderson.
Camera: February 2018: Jörg Hilbert, author of the successful children's book series 'Ritter Rost' has designed and put into pictures the story 'The wrong Tone'. Hilbert also recites the piece the Büsing Palais in Offenbach as part of the Toujours Mozart Festival. The illustrated journey through the world of music by composer Anton Prestele, performed by instrumentalists of the Bavarian State Opera was presented live. Filming of the concert for the Office of Culture and Sports in Offenbach. Production company: stumppfilm
Producer: January 2018: China no longer takes back plastic waste from Germany. On top of this, the EU has issued a pledge demanding plastic packaging to be 100% recyclable by 2030. How can this be achieved? And where goes all our plastic waste? We visit Bartscherer Recycling in Berlin and Franziska Krüger, plastic expert of the Federal Environment Agency (Umweltbundesamt) in Dessau-Roßlau in search of answers. News report for CGTN with Berlin correspondent Guy Henderson.
Author / Director / Camera: January 2018 - ongoing: Documentary (work in progress) on the most famous german press artist of the Weimar Republic: Emil Stumpp (1886-1941). The fervent antifascist drew the entire elite of his era from life: politicians, scientists, artists and sportspeople. He produced more than 20.000 portraits, almost all signed by the portraitee. In 1933 he is being banned from carrying out his profession and he dies 1941 in a Nazi prison. The Emil Stumpp archive is now online. Production company: stumppfilm
Project coordination / Workshop: August - December 2017: "Open Minds - Channel for Young Refugees / OMCR Facebook" is an integration and educational offer aiming at young refugee women and girls who grew up in Germany alike. During three five-week workshops we made films together and took a look behind the scenes of the media industry to provide career guidance and opportunities for personal development. The results of the workshops can be seen on our Youtube channel Open Minds - Channel for Young Refugees. "Open Minds - Channel for Young Refugees" is a project by Filmhaus Frankfurt in cooperation with the Frankfurt/Rhein-Main media and creative industry, supported by the Hessian State Program WIR and the Frauenreferat of the City of Frankfurt am Main.
Author / Director / Camera: December 2017: From 1st to 31 December the Grande Halle de La Villette, Paris, features the installation "Nowhere and Everywhere at the Same Time No. 2" by William Forsythe. The exhibition is part of the Paris Festival d'Automne. Filming of the pendulum installation. Production company: stumppfilm
Camera: November 2017: Filming of dance performances: The Dresden Frankfurt Dance Company showed two dance pieces in their autumnal show block at Bockenheimer Depot in Frankfurt: WorkwithinWork by William Forsythe and High Breed by Jacopo Godani.
Author / Director: October 2017: Production of a trailer of Bill Forsythe's Alignigung for the Gagosian Gallery on the occasion of the exhibition in Le Bourget, Paris. Production company: stumppfilm
Author / Director: October 2017: Production of a trailer of the Choreographic Object "Towards the Diagnostic Gaze" by artist William Forsythe, commissioned by the prestigious Gagosian Gallery Production company: stumppfilm
Auteur / Director / Camera: Oktober 2017: The prestigious Gagosian Gallery in Paris is showing the installation "Black Flags" by artist and choreographer William Forsythe. The exhibit is presented in Le Bourget in a hangar designed by Jean Nouvel. Production of a 10-minute documentation of Black Flags on the making of the Paris installation. Commissioned by Gagosian Gallery for Nowness. Additionally production of a trailer of the installation Black Flags. Production company: stumppfilm
Producer: August 2017: Research for Berlin correspondent Guy Henderson of CGTN (Chinese Global Television Network) in Berlin.
Producer: July 2017: The German government has passed a stricter law for the regulation of technology partnerships. The aim is to prevent Chinese investors from taking over technology of German companies. ÖTEC Haustechnik GmbH in Fürstenwalde, Germany, which has been cooperating with WeNet Powertec from Qingdao for years, feels that the new regulations are patronizing and wishes that politics don't interfere with economic affairs. Report for CGTN with Berlin correspondent Guy Henderson.
Producer: July 2017: At the G20 Summit in Hamburg, the heads of state from 19 countries (+ Europen Union) met personally to discuss the most important topical issues. While the city resembled an impregnable fortress around the venue (exhibition center), other districts groups of violent globalization adversaries and rioters confronted the police, which had a presence of 21,000 in the city of Hamburg. Live reporting from the exhibition centre with White House correspondent James Bays and with David Chater from the riots at St. Pauli district for Aljazeera English.
Camera: June 2017: from June 22.-25. the festival OPEN GROUNDS took place at Frankfurt LAB (space and time for contemporary productions) Dancers of the Dresden Frankfurt Dance Company performed their own choreographies there and improvised to the music of the Ensemble Moderne. Videoproduction of all performances.
Producer: May 2017: On 1 May, the renowned bicycle race took place in Frankfurt and the Taunus. Once again, thousands of amateurs and professional cyclists took part. Amongst them, Florian Jöckel, President of the legendary cycling club Guilty 76. More than 100 Guilties were racing under the slogan "It's only Rock'n roll!" On the occasion of the 200th birthday of the bicycle we filmed a news report for CGTN together with Contemporary Film Services Berlin.
Camera: April 2017: Participation in the latest production of the Dresden Frankfurt Dance Company: Extinction of a Minor Species. Contemporary dance by the Italian choreographer Jacopo Godani at Bockenheimer Depot, Frankfurt am Main and the European Center of Arts Hellerau near Dresden.
Producer: April 2017: Production Company: Stoked Film. Film director Annette Ernst is making a long-term documentary for cinema and has been accompanying a rainbow family from Frankfurt, consisting of 2 mothers and 3 sons, for over a decade now ...
Producer: February 2017: In recent years, the village of Kallstadt in the Palatinate has attracted a controversial media interest. The winegrowers village is the birthplace of the grandparents of the American President Donald Trump. Because he did not find a job immediately after his education, grandfather Friedrich Trump left his home village in the hope of a better life in America - without asking the permission of the Bavarian authorities. When he came back to his homeland with his wife Margarete, who was also born in Kallstadt, he was quickly expelled because he had illegally emigrated years before. Considering the immigration and refugee policy of his grandson Donald, a juicy detail of family history. Report for TRT World News with correspondent Zeina Awad.
Producer: February 2017: In Chancellor Angela Merkel's (CDU) electoral district of Vorpommern / Rügen in Mecklenburg-Vorpommern, an area with a strong right wing tradition, the AfD achieved top ratings in the last state election. The right wing populist party surpassed the CDU with more than 20% of the electorate votes. With the success of right-wing nationalists in the USA and Europe, Leif-Erik Holm, direct candidate of the AfD, hopes to gain an edge over Angela Merkel in the upcoming general elections in September 2017. Report for TRT World News with correspondent Zeina Awad.
Producer: January 2017: One year ago, the Iran-Nuclear-Deal entered into action. Since then, the country has been back on the international stage. In the meantime, Donald Trump has announced that he will terminate the agreement as soon as he is in office, calling it the most horrible deal ever made. For this reason, an EU E3 / EU + 3 and Iran meeting was convened by the EU. Reporting from the Palais Coburg in Vienna. With reporter Nadim Baba for Aljazeera English.
Camera: November 2016: Filming of Triple Bill by the Dresden Frankfurt Dance Company at Bockenheimer Depot in Frankfurt/Main.
September 2016: Japanese artist Shun Ito displays his wonderful and flabbergasting kinetic installations at the Foyer of the Bockenheimer Depot in Frankfurt/Main. I helped him set up. The expo is a collaboration with the Dresden Frankfurt Dance Company.
Producer: August 2016: For the 1st time since the end of the Cold War, Germany has re-adopted a "civil defense program". It prepares the german population in case of a future disaster - may it be a natural catastrophe, power cut or a cyber-attack. In reminiscence to the Cold War era, we produced a report, filming in a nuclear shelter in Berlin. With correspondent Guy Henderson for CCTV News.
Producer: July 2016: Live news coverage from Berlin bureau and from the places of breaking news. On a young axe attacker in a local train in Ochsenfurt near Wurzburg and a gunman in Munich. In addition: a report on this year's World Schools Debating Championships in Stuttgart. For Aljazeera English
Producer: June 2016: The British have taken a historic decision. They want to exit the European Union. Sad times for Europe. For Aljazeera English.
Producer: February 2016: On the occasion of World Cancer Day, we speak with Jalid Sehouli from the Berlin Charité hospital about the latest developments in cancer research. Also from Berlin: What has let to the change of the so called "welcoming culture" in Germany? Interview with Wenzel Michalski of Human Rights Watch Germany. With Berlin corespondent Aissa Taibi for Aljazeera Arabic.
Producer: January 2016: We report from the Syria talks between the foreign ministers Sergej Lavrov and John Kerry from Zurich. With Berlin corespondent Aissa Taibi for Aljazeera Arabic.
Producer: November 2015: The 100-inhabitant village of Sumte in Lower Saxony expects several hundred refugees in a refugee emergency camp. The local population is welcoming the refugees. Report with reporter Laurence Lee for Aljazeera English.
Producer: September 2015: Report from Wolfsburg on the Volkswagen emissions scandal with reporter Rob Reynolds for Aljazeera English.
Producer: June, 2015: Will there be an agreement between the Greek government and its creditors? Will it come to the so called Grexit with Greece leaving the common currency, the Euro?Everything seems possible. We report live from the European Central Bank in Frankfurt. With Dominc Kane for Aljazeera English.
Simultaneous Interpreter: June 2015: In the Berlin Uferhallen Adidas opened a new center for urban football called BASE. On this occasion and as it was, on the eve of the UEFA Champions League finals between Real Madrid and Juventus Turin, the footballers Zinedine Zidane, Mesut Özil and Ander Herrera came to the German capital. They were kicking the ball around together and stood in front of the international press for interviews.
Producer: May 2015. Bundesliga finals between the F.C. Bayern Munich and Mainz 05 at the Allianz Arena in Munich. Correspondent: Guy Henderson for CCTV News. Mathematically, the winner was clear a long time in advance: Bayern Munich will be champion for the the 25th time in the club's history. However, they won the final match as well by 2:0 with goals by Robert Lewandowski and Bastian Schweinsteiger. After the game, coach Pepe Guardiola and the players were given the obligatory beer shower, a custom at Bayern Munich. The news item also deals with the upcoming FIFA presidential elections.
Author / Director / Camera: November 2014: William Forsythe's Black Flags, 14-minute documentary. Director, camera, for Staatliche Kunstsammlungen Dresden Two industrial robots move huge black flags at the Lipsiusbau Kunsthalle museum in Dresden. The American choreographer and artist William Forsythe transformed their movements into a choreography. The film follows the creation of the work over a period of 8 months. Black Flags Video
Direction / Camera: August 2013: Video trailer of the installation Nowhere and everywhere at the same time. It is a choreographic installation of more than 400 pendulums by the artist William Forsythe. It was commissioned by the Folkwang Museum in Essen, Germany, as part of the Ruhrtriennale 2013. Production: William Forsythe, Choreographic Objects
Camera: March 2013: Filming of the installation Scattered Crowd by William Forsythe at the Bockenheimer Depot, Frankfurt.
Author / Director: December, 2012. 6-minute trailer about Motion Bank, a project under the artistic direction of the choreograph William Forsythe. The focus of the project is on the acquisition of digital online scores of dance choreographies. The trailer is intended to introduce to a broad audience the procedures and aesthetic challenges of dance digitalization.
Author / Director: My Father was the Enemy 52-min. documentary together with Bruno Schneider, for arte/WDR, Aug. 2006 Production: Metropolisfilm Nominated for the French-German journalist award in 2007. Content: The faith of children born to German soldiers and French women during the occupation of France 1940-1944. Heinz was the love of Catherine's live. And so is her son, Bernard. His father was a German occupant soldier who has not come back from war. Bernard has never met his father and he does not want to have anything to do with his German roots. The memories of the past are too painful. He and his mother were rejected by the family because Catherine had a German lover. (more…)
Author / Director: Summer on the Baltique, 52-min. documentary together with Michaelle Gagnet, for arte, August 2000, production company: Doc en Stock, Paris This film tells the story of the small Baltique Island of Rugen off the shore of Northern Germany. From the begin of the bathing culture in the early 20th century, to the Nazi era where the island was turned into a mass holiday resort in order to reward Arian Germans for their dedication to the Hitler regime. Then, from post war German Democratic Republic youth and family camp sides along splendid white sandy beaches, to modern and capitalist wellness hotels. (more…)
Project coordination: Following the invitation of The Forsythe Company, the Ohio based Bebe Miller Company visited Frankfurt from 27.05.-10.06.2012. The Forsythe Company has initiated a project called Motion Bank which aims at the creation of digital choreographic scores in collaboration with guest choreographers, web designers, programmers and scientists. The U.S. choreographer Bebe Miller worked with the performance artists and dancers Angie Hauser and Jones Derrill the duet HISTORY.
Producer: May 2012: UEFA Champions's League Final 2012, Munich with reporter Lee Wellings for Aljazeera English. Production: Surridge Films It is the first time in football history, that a Champions League final is held in the home stadium of one of the two finalists. F.C. Bayern Munich and Chelsea FC from London battled it out in Munich. Miraculously, the English club won the match after extra time and penalty. English football fans had therefore no reason to look for fights with the locals.
Producer: Mai 2012: Presidential election campaigns 2012 in France: immigration politics and socialist rally, Paris / Toulouse with reporter Simon McGregor-Wood for Aljazeera English. Production: Surridge Films For former president of France, Nicolas Sarkozy, a more ristirctive legacy in immigration politics was a key issue of his electoral campaign. We have filmed in the most African neighborhood of Paris, Château Rouge, in the 18th arrondissement. Furthermore we have reported live from the last major election campaign of the challenger to the first job of the country, Francois Hollande, at the socialist stronghold: Toulouse in Southern France.
Producer: November 2011: Pirate Party enters the Berlin Senate, Berlin, witth reporter Nick Spicer for Aljazeera English. Production: Surridge Films 15 members of the Pirate Party are now moving into the Berlin Senate. The unconventional, young party is challenged to find positions besides internet freedom and transparency. We have visited the politicians as they are moving into their new offices.
Producer: November 2011: Trouble in the Eurozone in Berlin. The financial and economic crisis is making headlines for several years now and the future of the Euro is more uncertain than ever. We are reporting live from Brandenburg Gate in Berlin. With Reporter Nick Spicer for Aljazeera English. Production: Surridge Films
Producer: November 2011: Russian president Medwedew inaugurated the North Stream pipeline. He met German president Christian Wulff at Bellevue in Berlin. The 1225 km pipeline will be pumping gas from Russia via the Baltic Sea to Germany's Lubmin at the East german Baltic shore, bypassing Eastern Europe. With reporter Nick Spicer for Aljazeera English. Production: Surridge Films
Producer: November 2011: Mario Draghi is new president of ECB, Frankfurt with Reporter Nick Spicer for Aljazeera English. Production: Surridge Films The Italian economist, Mario Draghi, is the successor of Jean-Claude Trichet. This is not an easy heritage in times where the Euro is in a historic low. We are asking financial experts in Frankfurt for their opinion on the new ECB president.
Producer: June 2011: Women's soccer World Cup, Frankfurt with reporter Nick Spicer for Aljazeera English. Production: Surridge Films Frankfurt is considered the undisputed capital of women's soccer. The river bank of the Main turned into a lively fan area where giant screens allowed the public to follow the matches. Despite the World Cup media hype, women's soccer is still not fully recognized and by far doesn't have comparable popularity as men's soccer. It is still very difficult for women players to make their sport a profession and live from it.
Producer: March 2011: Frankfurt airport terrorist attack, Frankfurt with Reporter Nick Spicer for Aljazeera English. Production: Surridge Films A 21 year old entered a US military bus at Frankfurt Airport and shot 2 US soldiers. The soldiers had just returned from Afghanistan and were on their way to US military base in Ramstein.
Producer: February 2011: Hamburg elections 2011, Hamburg with reporter Nick Spicer for Aljazeera English. Production: Surridge Films The social democrats were able to win these elections clearly. Prior to the elections, a coalition of the conservative CDU and the Greens were ruling the city state. The next 4 years Hamburg will be governed by Olaf Scholz.
Production: Of Women and Horses, feature film cinema, directing: Patricia Mazuy with: Bruno Ganz, Josiane Balasko and Marina Hands. Production: Lazennec 3 & Maïa Cinema (FR) / Vandertastic (DE) / ARTE France Cinéma (FR), December 2010. Gracieuse (Marina Hands) is a very talented horseback rider. She is employed at a stable. She finds out that her favorite horse is being sold. She manages to convince former dressage Champion Franz Mann (Bruno Ganz) of her talent. Franz Mann had become cynical with the years and sees in horses no more than a business. But Gracieuse gives him a reason to reconsider his former passion... (Assistant director) Presse
Author / Director: Anselm Grün: manager adviser and monk, 5:10 min., for ZDF sonntags, September 2010. Production: Surridge Films Anselm Grün is a well known Benedictine padre. Being a Cellerar, he is in charge of Münsterschwarzach Abbey's financial matters. He also is the author of more than 250 books. He also holds courses for managers, conveying the idea that financial success and speculating at the stock market are not necessarily in opposition with leading an ethical life. Anselm Grün pleads for sustainable economical growth.
Author / Director: A new home for Birgit Weimar, 4:30 min., for ZDF sonntags, August 2010. Production: Surridge Films Birgit Weimar unemployed. She can't afford her flat in Berlin any more and decides to move into a camping-car on a camp-side along the Havel river. What started out as a last resort slowly unfolds as a great solution. Birgit Weimar enjoys the advantages, peace and calm of life on the country side.
Author / Director: The 1000-star-hotel, 4:30 min., for ZDF sonntags, August 2010. Production: Surridge Films A group of young Berlin citizens transform a former and run down public swimming pool into a camp side - in the middle of the city. But they know that their contract might run out any time. As soon as an investor for the old pool is found, they will have to leave the premisses and their 1000-star-hotel will have to give way to a luxury building. In the meantime though, the young entrepreneurs and their camping guests cease the day.
Producer: June 2010: €-crisis, Frankfurt with Steven Cole and Zoe Harris for Aljazeera English. Production: Surridge Films The Euro is in crisis. What, if the Germans would not bail out Greece any more in order to save the Euro? What alternatives to the Euro or to money as we use it today are there? Some communities are already using other currencies such as the "Kirschblüte" (cherry blossom) in a town called Witzenhausen.
Producer: April 2010: Shut down of Frankfurt Airport, Frankfurt with reporter Tania Page for Aljazeera English. Production: Surridge Films The eruption of the volcano Eyjafijallajökull, had massive effects not only on Iceland but also on large parts of northern and central Europe. In mid-April 2010 air traffic was disrupted for several days at Frankfurt airport due to volcanic ash. Gradually, goods that were produced for export or those that had been eagerly awaited could not leave nor enter the country. World economy was in serious troubles.
Producer: March 2010: Sauerland Trial, Düsseldorf with Reporter Nadim Baba for Aljazeera English. Production: Surridge Films The so-called Sauerland Group, of 4 young islamic terrorists had planned attacks on U.S. military personnel in Germany. The trial took place in Düsseldorf.
Producer: March 2010: Financial Crisis, Frankfurt with reporter Nazanine Moshiri for Aljazeera English. Production: Surridge Films The financial crisis is still the dominating subject in politics. We talk to chief economist of the Deutsche Bank: Thomas Mayer. We film at the stock Frankfurt Stock exchange, the European Central Bank and the famous Frankfurt skyline.
Producer: March 2010: The Greek crisis, Berlin with reporter Nadim Baba for Aljazeera English Production: Surridge Films Dramatic debt brought Greece since 2010 again and again to the brink of bankruptcy - and leads to massive problems in the euro-zone. Greece will not receive fresh capital from the financial markets and is thus depending on the help of the IMF and the euro-countries. But those are demanding tough reforms from Athens in return.
Producer: March 2010: Mubarak's gall bladder operation, Heidelberg with reporters Nadim Baba and Nazanine Moshiri for Aljazeera English. Production: Surridge Films Egyptian President Hosni Mubarak underwent the removal of the gall bladder at the Heidelberg University Hospital. The operation has been successful. The Egyptian leader spent his recovery in a highly secure seperate hospital wing.
Producer: November 2009: The fall of the wall - 20 years later, Berlin, with reporter Barnaby Philips and producer Carlos van Meek for Aljazeera English. Production: Surridge Films The fall of the Berlin Wall 20 years ago was welcomed and celebrated by many. But for many the end of the GDR meant also meant uncertainty and fear. An ideology collapsed - and with it many of the old values. All East Germans experienced this dramatic shift and the integration into the Federal Republic of Germany. But what about the 90 000 contract workers who had been sent to the GDR by their socialist home countries? We visited Joao Fortuna from Mozambique who stayed in reunified Germany and who is now claiming his rights.
Producer: September 2009: Pre-election stories: energy politics. A shoot throughout Germany in order to cover the most important topics of the 2009 elections. With reporter Barnaby Philips and producer Carlos van Meek for Aljazeera English. Production: Surridge Films Phasing out of nuclear energy and renewable energy - these are the issues that concern voters in the parliamentary elections in 2009. To illustrate this, we visited a suburb of Freiburg, which is known for its alternative lifestyles. In Vauban we have found technologies which are leading to the future.
Producer: September 2009: General election and pre-election stories. Amongst them one story on the Euro-crisis. Shoot in several parts of Germany in order to reflect the relevant issues of the general elections and the reflections of the public. With reporter Barnaby Philips and Producer Carlos van Meek for Aljazeera English. Production: Surridge Films
Producer: September 2009: Election and pre-election stories: election campaign. A journey through Germany to capture the major themes of this year's elections. With reporter Barnaby Philips and Producer Carlos van Meek for Aljazeera English. Production: Surridge Films The election campaign enters its final phase. We attend a rally with Chancellor Angela Merkel (CDU) and Peter Ramsauer (CSU) in Bavaria. In addition, we assist Frank-Walter Steinmeier's (SPD) final campaign before the elections at the Brandenburg Gate in Berlin.
Author / Director: How to find your dream partner in 2007, 4:30 min., for ZDF sonntags, Mai 2007. Production: Surridge Films The number of single households is growing. It is, however a recognized fact that a steady partner is crucial for our well-being. While in the past we were tied by family structures and long term work relationships, we are today experiencing little continuity. Nevertheless, we need stability for our mental balance. (more…)
Author / Director: Waiting, 4:30 min., for ZDF sonntags, 4:30 min, December 2008. Production: Surridge Films The holiday season is a time of waiting and anticipation. A period of time where we have to wait holds the opportunity to think about the awaited situation and to think it through like in an inner dialogue. Waiting allows to get an overview, reflect, and then to pass on to action again.
Author / Director: Green is for hope: the garden therapy, 4:30 min., for ZDF sonntags, April 2007. Production: Surridge Films The trees bud again. In parks, primroses, hyacinths and daffodils are in full bloom. Spring has sprung. People are finally rushing out into their gardens. But gardening is more than just a hobby. If you get involved with plants you help make the world a better place. Digging in the earth is a lot of work but it makes you happy at the same time! It relaxes, creates balance and liberates you from stress. Therefore gardening is being used as a form of therapy for mentally troubled people. We portray pedagogue Konrad Neuberger as he is working with his clients.
Author / Director: The Souvenir, 4:30 min., for ZDF sonntags, September 2006. Production: Surridge Films Porcelain figurines from Italy, mosaics from Greece or the snow globe with the Eiffel Tower. Tourists have always been taking souvenirs home. The objects changed through the centuries but they all have in common that the object has more of a symbolic than an artistic value. People want to bring home to their every day lives a gift that will always remind them of carefree and happy holiday times. It is the symbolic value of easy times that makes the souvenir precious. The Museum of Applied Arts in Frankfurt devoted an exhibition to this object.
Author / Director: What dreams are made of: Chocolate, 4:30 min., for ZDF sonntags, December 2005. Production: Surridge Films Young pastry chef Mark Podzimek leads us into the secrets of chocolate and pralinés. Popular are nowadays products which contain at least 60% of pure cocoa. Often chili, orange or sea salt are added - ingredients that were once rarely associated with chocolate. Chocolate should be enjoyed at room temperature, so that the full flavor can develop on the tongue. But beware, chocolate is highly addictive!
Author / Director: The beautiful world of telenovelas: Bianca, 4:30 min., for ZDF sonntags, October 2005. Production: Surridge Films Fans of the first German telenovela "Bianca, Pursuit of Happiness" were able to follow 224 times aspirations, dreams and hopes of this pretty young woman. One of them was Inge Brown, housewife from Bad Soden Salmunster and indomitable Bianca fan! The pattern of the modern fairy tale soap opera is always the same: Poor girl, represented in warm bright colors falls in love with unattainable fairy tale prince from a wealthy family who is already a promised to a suitable wife. He bows to the convention and marries her. The rival must die before her place is freed for the heroine. The heroine accepts her fate without mourning - always secretly hoping that their love will succeed in the end.
Author / Director: A course for good manners, 4:30 min., for ZDF sonntags, March 2005. Production: Surridge Films One should think, since the 1970s good manners, old school behavior and etiquette are things of the past. Quite the contrary. Lis Droste, who has been teaching good manners for the last 15 years is saying that style and etiquette are increasingly important these days again. Above all for young people who are just beginning their careers. They have noticed that with good manners, people are becoming more successful in their business lives. The first hurdle to take is obligatory small talk. Dress code is also crucial to those who want to leave a perfect impression. We accompany André Schäfer and his sister Sandra at a course for good manners given by Lis Droste.
Author / Director: The luxury of Dr. Lampe, 4:30 min., for ZDF sonntags, December 2004. Production: Surridge Films Dr. Lampe, aesthetic plastic surgeon in Frankfurt/Main, luxury has little to do with material wealth. From dusk till dawn he operates on patients with burns or disfigurements due to cancer. 1/3 of his patients find their way to his cabinet for purely cosmetic reasons. During his annual holiday, Dr. Lampe has travelled 15 times with "Interplast Germany", a voluntary association of surgeons, to India and Pakistan. On his own expenses, of course. Here he can help people in underdeveloped countries to lead livable existence by operating victims of mines or other disfigurements.
Author / Director: The flying Rabbi, 4:30 min., for ZDF sonntags, February 2004. Production: Surridge Films Irit Shillor studied physics and mathematics in Israel. At 30 she went to England as a teacher before becoming a Rabbi two years ago. Now she is in charge of four Jewish communities in Germany. She constantly travels between Hanover, Hameln, Bad Pyrmont and Gudesberg. Like many Jewish communities in Germany the Gudesberg community consists mostly or Jewish refugees from the former Soviet Union. Many of them, however, are not familiar with Judaism. It is only now that they learn about Jewish traditions. We visit Irit Shilor and a Shabbat service at the small Gudesberg.
Author / Director: Reconciliation with the IRA, 5:00 min., for ZDF sonntags, January 2004. Production: Surridge Films The mid-'80s saw the peak of violence between Protestant Britain and the IRA, militant wing of the Irish republican party Sinn Fein. Nearly every day British institutions were the target of bombings and often they were fatal. This only increased the hatred between Protestants and Catholics. But there are exceptions. There is hope to this conflict which isn't over to this day. Jo Berry, daughter of IRA victim and a member of the conservative Tory party, Sir Anthony Berry and Pat Magee, IRA bomber who spent many years in prison meet. They try to come to terms with the past and thus make a big step towards a more peaceful future. A difficult and painful encounter for both.
Author / Director: The Bond girl, 4:10 min., for ZDF sonntags, November 2003. Production: Surridge Films Reverend Dr Shannon Ledbetter, 39, holds her very first sermon at St Mary's Church in Liverpool. Before Shannon decided 10 years ago to become a vicar, she led a very different life. She moved 29 times, was a photo model, loved glamor, parties and even had a role in a Bond film. That's all over now as she follows her new vocation. This also includes working with Liverpool - Football fans. Her aim is to go out of the church and into the community. But a little bit of a model is still in her, as she now walks the catwalk showing off clerical fashion!
Author / Director: Mr. Christmas, for ProSieben, June 2003. Production: Surridge Films Andy Park is Mr Christmas, he actually claims to celebrate Christmas every day. For Andy everything is strictly according to protocol. At exactly three o'clock he listens to the Queen's Christmas speech on television. With all due respect but he probably heard it so many times that he knows it by heart. Andy eats approximately 105 turkeys, 275 000 Brussels sprouts, several hundred pounds of carrots, 50 cubicliters of thick brown gravy per year...
Production: Dream Dream Dream, fiction film cinema, director: Anne Alix with Kati Outinen, Sulevi Peltola and Manuel Blanc, Production Company: Integral Film/Berlin, in co-production with Euripide Productions/Paris, Diana Film/Munich, Wide Eye Pictures/Helsinki, in association with ARTE/Paris, December 2002 A road movie about two very different men who meet after a night out in Hamburg and decide to travel together to the North Cape. Joachim, a french scientist, and Franco, an italian father of a young daughter, have on their journey heaps of bizarre encounters: with the overwhelming scandinavian landscape, unusual people, wild animals, and even with Santa Claus himself. Back in Hamburg, they suddenly realize that their journey was a journey to themselves. (Production assistant)
Assistant to the director: All about mom, 45-min. documentary, director: Tuomas Sallinen, for arte, June 2002. Production: Doc en Stock Is motherhood really pure happiness? Is it really so natural to feel and behave like mother? This documentary explores the dark side of motherhood. Maternal feelings don't always come naturally. If so, women often ask themselves: what am I doing wrong? What is wrong with me? Through a series of portraits, the director of this documentary tries to understand how some women can not love their children and how maternal feelings are sometimes challenged. For many women and even more so for single mothers, having a baby is a responsibility too heavy to carry and thus a source of guilt. Mothers must meet many expectations and often they have more doubts and fears as to whether they are "good mothers" than meets the eye. (Production assistant)
Production assistant: The well, short film cinema, director: Gabriel le Bomin with: Richard Sammel, Gaumont, 2002 The short film for cinema release is taking place at the Eastern front during World War I (1916). A french and a german soldier are meeting around a well and share a cigarette. (Production assistant)
Assistant director: When boys talk about sex Director: Nicolas Pascariello, for arte, June 2001. Production: Doc en Stock This sober documentary gives a voice to seven boys who confide their desires, fears and fantasies. Portraits of a generation that, while glorifying hard sexuality, is unable to hide their fear of today's girls.
Assistant director: Girls' desires Director: Sophie Jeanneau, pour arte, June 2001. Production: Doc en Stock Eight girls talk about their first sexual experiences. Their hopes, dreams, wishes, desires and ideas about boys and how it should be. Does sex keep its promises? We are today surrounded by sexuality and everything seems to be sexualised. What type of expectation does that create? Often longings and desires don't really match reality.
Production assistant: The soccer world championships were held in Paris. The ZDF studio was built on the roof of the Publicis building on the Champs Elysées.The view on the Arc de Triomphe was spectacular. The german team didn't go very far. The French won the title. Allez les Bleus!